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Turmoil in 2024 Boosts EB-5 Visa Interest

Global Demand for Green Cards is on the Rise

In 2024, global turmoil is increasing interest in the EB-5 immigration program to the United States. People increasingly see the EB-5 Visa as a haven amidst widespread uncertainty. This is especially true with the availability of reserved visa categories and priority processing for rural projects.

The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), allows EB-5 investors to obtain permanent residency in the United States. Investors can become conditional permanent residents by making a qualified investment in EB-5 projects, such as real estate. They achieve immigrant visa status through an EB-5 regional center.

If they meet the conditions their petition is approved, they and their spouses and unmarried children can gain permanent resident status.

Green card holders benefit from this program after they complete the application process. They must also meet the Department of Homeland Security’s requirements.

The year 2024 is frequently called the “year of ballots and bullets.” This phrase emphasizes the significant political and social unrest, along with widespread violence, impacting various regions globally.

During times of political and economic instability, many families accelerate their plans to immigrate to the U.S. They seek stability and a more predictable future.

This urgency stems from a desire to escape uncertainties that jeopardize their personal safety and economic security. They also seek to improve their overall quality of life in their home countries.

Economic Stability in the U.S.

Despite widespread global economic volatility, the U.S. continues to display a strong and dynamic economy. This stability contrasts sharply with the economic turmoil in many other regions. It makes the U.S. an appealing destination for investors seeking to secure their families’ futures and protect their assets.

Four years ago, the pandemic temporarily brought much of the world economy to a halt. Since then, America’s economic performance has left other countries in the dust. It has even broken some of its own records.

The growth rate is high, and the unemployment rate is at historic lows. Household wealth is surging, wages are rising faster than costs, and the stock market is constantly hitting all-time highs.

There are many ways to define a good economy. By almost any measure, America is in tremendous shape.

This economic robustness is a primary attraction of the EB-5 program. It offers foreign investors a pathway to U.S. residency and protection for their assets.

Geopolitical Conflicts

Europe, once a beacon of peace and stability, now faces unprecedented challenges due to the prolonged war in Ukraine and Russia. The conflict has disrupted natural gas supplies, causing energy shortages and economic instability. Geopolitical tensions have escalated, prompting increased defense spending and a reassessment of security frameworks.

The Hamas surprise attack and Israel’s stark defense have significantly heightened regional instability. This has led to a humanitarian crisis and fears of a broader regional war. Continuous harassment by Iran’s proxies, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, has kept the region on high alert and complicated the volatile Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea heightens military and geopolitical tensions with Taiwan, straining international relations. This also threatens the Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia due to frequent confrontations and disrupted trade routes. 

More families from volatile areas are exploring the EB-5 Visa. They seek a safer future amid ongoing conflicts and uncertainty.

Political Instability and Populism

The rise of populist governments globally has led to increased political instability and economic uncertainty. In Latin America, Colombia’s first left-wing president, Gustavo Petro, exemplifies this trend. As a former guerrilla fighter with the M-19 group, Petro’s background and radical policies have fueled significant opposition.

Many argue that his administration threatens Colombia’s economy. They view his reformist initiatives, like wealth taxes, as destabilizing and potentially harmful to business interests and economic growth.

This has led to widespread protests and a 61% disapproval rating among Colombians. Many are concerned about his handling of the economy and social policies.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s election could negatively impact Mexico by potentially increasing the risk of democratic backsliding. Her alignment with her mentor Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s (AMLO) controversial reforms could undermine key democratic institutions. Mexicans are particularly concerned about the popular election of Supreme Court judges.

Sheinbaum’s MORENA party supermajority in the Lower House and near-supermajority in the Senatecould concentrate power excessively and reduce checks and balances. This dominance enables her to push through legislative changes with little opposition, risking the erosion of democratic norms and potential for authoritarian practices.

Sheinbaum and her allies now have the power to amend the Constitution. This consolidation of control raises concerns about the future of democratic governance in Mexico.

Several African countries have experienced coups or attempted coups in recent years. Burkina Faso and Sudan have seen military takeovers that disrupted governance. These takeovers have led to periods of uncertainty and unrest.

Leadership disputes and contested elections have led to political deadlocks in countries like Zimbabwe and Cameroon. These crises often exacerbate existing social and economic issues, making it difficult to achieve stability. Consequently, an increasing number of families from politically unstable countries are considering the EB-5 Visa. They see it as a pathway to a safer future.

Economic Challenges

Inflation and currency devaluations are significant economic issues in 2024. Countries like Argentina and Turkey have recently experienced hyperinflation, eroding the value of wealth and savings. The devaluation of currencies in these regions makes it challenging for wealthy individuals to preserve their wealth. This pushes them to invest in more stable economies like the US.

Several countries have high levels of external debt. Their inability to service these debts has led to economic crises. Nations like Sri Lanka and Lebanon are grappling with severe debt crises, leading to economic instability and social unrest.

Wealthy individuals in these countries increasingly look to EB-5 investment opportunities to escape the economic downturn. They seek to ensure their families’ security and well-being.

Safety Concerns

Kidnappings of wealthy individuals are increasing in several countries, making affluent people feel more insecure. In Latin America, Mexico and Brazil have high rates of kidnappings for ransom. This makes personal safety a major concern for the wealthy.

Areas like Tijuana, Juarez, and Tampico in Mexico are notorious for these crimes. Organized crime groups frequently target affluent individuals, prompting business leaders and families to prioritize security measures.

Similarly, Nigeria experiences high kidnapping rates affecting both locals and expatriates, with affluent citizens being particularly vulnerable. This ongoing threat has led many to seek safer environments or invest heavily in personal security measures. The persistent risk of abduction in these countries is a key driver for families wanting to do EB-5.

Additional Factors Driving Interest

Educational Opportunities

For many wealthy individuals, securing high-quality education for their children is a major factor in considering relocation. The U.S. hosts the majority of the world’s top universities and educational institutions. This makes them attractive destinations for families seeking the best possible education for their children. 

The EB-5 visa offers a direct route to permanent residency. This allows children to grow up and integrate smoothly into American society. This gives them the same advantages as U.S. citizens in the job market. This greatly improves their career prospects and educational opportunities.

Healthcare Access

Access to high-quality healthcare is another critical consideration for affluent individuals considering relocation. The US has some of the best medical facilities and healthcare services globally. The assurance of access to top-tier medical care is a compelling reason to invest and relocate. This is a key motivator for EB-5.

Legal and Financial Security

The legal and financial systems in the US provide a level of security. Investors highly value this predictability.

Strong property rights and a reliable legal system ensure investments. Additionally, a stable financial environment contributes to this security. This level of security is especially attractive to investors from countries with weak legal frameworks or unstable financial systems.


The political and economic instability in 2024 has made the EB-5 Visa program attractive to wealthy individuals worldwide.

Factors like the strong American economy and geopolitical conflicts, such as the war in Ukraine and the Israel-Gaza conflict, drive this trend. China’s assertiveness also plays a significant role. Additionally, the rise of populist governments, inflation, currency devaluations, and high external debt contribute to this trend.

As these challenges persist, the EB-5 Visa program will likely continue to see a steady influx of investors. They seek a more stable and prosperous future for their families.